

Celadon is a cool, complicated shade of pale green with gray undertones, best known as a pigment commonly used to glaze Korean and Chinese pottery. The name of the color is attributed to a 17th century French novel in which it was used to describe a character that dressed in this shade. Green hues are popular in home decor because of their calm tranquility. They evoke natural landscapes and represent fertility and bounty. Celadon is an especially beautiful and versatile choice because of its unique depth, which allows it to fit seamlessly with a range of neutral and bright palettes. In fact, this shade was named the top home trend during the last years by several industry publications. Pale green walls look traditional yet relaxed when used with creamy white trim. If you haven’t yet delved into colorful paint, this soft sage hue is a great way to dip your toe in the rainbow. In its most muted form, it can even serve as a neutral for a fresh take on fixtures such as kitchen cabinets. Bring spring into your home by pairing celadon with pops of lavender, fuchsia or royal purple. It also looks earthy and warm when paired with rust, mustard and other neutral-adjacent shades. In its desaturated form, this shade can be used as a backdrop for daring designs and palettes.


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