
Jade Green

Jade is a rare gemstone that can occur naturally in six different colors, those colors being red, yellow, lavender, black, white and, of course, green. Most green jade contains yellowish tints, like a Granny Smith apple. However, when most people think of jade, they think of a stone that is such a vibrant green it is close in color to emerald. It is this emerald-like color that you will find on most home décor items and paints labeled "jade". Jade is a rich color and, as such, it can add instant and unexpected sophistication to just about any space. Also, because jade green is so opulent, you don’t need a lot of it to achieve such an effect. That said, you can't go wrong with painting all the walls of a single room jade green or decorating with jade green furniture, either. When using jade green, try it in places you would least expect to feel upscale. Paint your kitchen cabinets jade green and keep your walls and appliances stark white. Splurge on a jade green velvet sofa and complement it with white and black accents. Brown leather and natural wood elements mesh well with the emerald-like hue as well. Jade green may be a rich color but that doesn't mean you can't have fun with it. Use it to your heart's desire to create an environment that conveys both your classy and your fun sides.


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