
Green Tea

Green tea is a soft, peaceful green that leans toward grey. It is an excellent choice for creating interiors that feel like gentle sanctuaries from the hustle and busyness of modern life. This hue speaks of soft, mossy beds in beautiful woodlands. It evokes images of dreaming beside quiet streams. However, do not assume this hue’s ethereal qualities make it boring. In fact, it is quite the opposite. Green tea instantly dials down the energy levels in rooms and creates an atmosphere of elegance and refinement. This hue serves as a neutral but with a tender twist. It looks beautiful as an all-around color on walls and is ideal for living rooms, bedrooms, and bathrooms. For stylish living areas, blend this color with other soft neutrals such as beige, cream, soft golden brown, and subtle yellows such as chardonnay. Touches of rich brown wood will give the scene depth. Add plants, where their fresh, lush greenery contributes further to the feeling of escaping into a green oasis. Blend this color with other warm tones, including cream, soft grey blues, and easy yellows for peaceful, restful bedrooms. Use this hue in bathrooms and powder rooms for tasteful and soothing retreats. Green tea is soft, soothing, and sophisticated. This color, while not resembling the drink of the same name, nonetheless gives interiors a decidedly peaceful flavor. Serve it up with tasteful abandon.


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