
Cyan Blue

If you have a penchant for technology or design, cyan blue is probably already on your radar. This shade of green-blue is one of the four primary colors used in printing and painting, along with yellow, magenta and black. Cyan is similar to aqua and resides directly across from red on the color wheel. Pairing those two shades has a vibrant, dynamic effect. Teal, turquoise and similar shades of blue have been steadily trending for both fashion and home over the past few years. Try a deep, rich, muted blue-green with gray undertones for a dramatic statement on your walls. This hue pairs well with warm fixtures such as hardwood and brass along with neutral camel and slate gray. When used in a lighter, brighter shade, cyan blue evokes a relaxing morning spent by tranquil, crystal-clear water. For a spa-inspired effect, layer various shades of blue including cyan along with creamy off-whites. This color also looks amazing in a classic coastal cottage palette with bright white and sand. Cyan blue can be just as cool and sophisticated in your wardrobe as it is in your home. Men can incorporate this shade in formal wear, whether you choose a simple tie or pocket square or go bold with an aqua dress shirt. For women, this is the perfect hue for your go-to summer dress or flattering swimsuit.


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