

Citron is a dark shade of lemon that takes its name from the citron fruit. It is a tertiary color that contains equal parts green and orange pigments. Citron in and of itself can be bright and overwhelming. However, when paired with the right colors, it can add just the right amount of pop to any space. With which colors you mix with citron depends on the type of vibe you wish to achieve. For instance, when coupled with white, citron can help you create a space that is airy, light, modern, and playful. However, when you incorporate elements of citron into a space that is predominantly navy, you will get a room that is more sophisticated in nature. You can achieve the same effect with darker tones of green such as emerald and olive. Incorporate both burnt orange, green, and citron accents into a room with a cream base to get a tropical, more playful feeling. If you want to create a space that is inviting, warm and relaxing, use furniture and fixtures that are made of natural woods or that contain natural tones. Citron, when used in excess, can be loud and overbearing. However, when you land on the right color combination, you will find that accents of this hue are just what your space needs to come alive.


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