
Turquoise Blue

Turquoise blue is a vivid combination of blue and green. It is named for the iconic gemstone of the same hue and has long been connected with religion and spirituality. Lighter shades suggest pleasant, joyful times, while brighter, darker hues tending toward teal help create a feeling of lively, urban vigor. This color has a powerful effect in both web and print design, but it is also prized in fashion and interior decorating. It makes a bold statement as a main color, and as an accent it makes other colors pop. Designers and illustrators value this color for its evocative qualities. Turquoise blue is a good choice for bedrooms, as it brings to mind relaxing images of the sea. It is popular for bathrooms, and is an excellent color choice in kitchens, living rooms, and nurseries. Medical facilities, especially those treating mental illnesses, value its soothing, gently uplifting qualities. It is sometimes coupled with pinks, peach, ecru, and ivory in designs reminiscent of the southwest United States. It is also is a classy color suitable for grand ballrooms in the most urbane of cities. Turquoise blue is cheerful and energizing yet soothing. Pair it with blue and green for a pulled-together, calming feel. It adds warmth anywhere, and its versatility means it also looks great with bright, vibrant shades such as fuchsia and red.


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