

Purple is a hue that falls somewhere between red and blue on the color wheel. It freely leans closer to either color depending on how much red or blue is mixed into it. The first known use of purple was by senior magistrates and emperors in ancient Rome and Byzantium, thanks to the crimson dye produced by molluscs. Whereas ancient civilizations used purple as a symbol of wealth, power, and privilege, color experts today agree that purple has changed to a much deeper meaning. Purple now is associated with spirituality, magic, mystery, creativity, and dignity. It is the color of subconsciousness. Depending on the shade of purple you choose to use, you may find the color creates the greatest impact in the bedroom, in gathering places, and in the bathroom. Some homeowners with a bold sense of style opt to use deep purple in their dining rooms, either on the walls, on the ceiling, or on the table. For those who choose to use the color in gathering spaces, they do so via their furniture, rugs, or walls. Purple pairs well with several colors including, and most surprisingly, red. It also goes well with pale blues, dark blues, pinks, other shades of purple, and greens. In fact, it looks exceptionally poignant when paired with greens and creams found in nature.


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