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Copper is a reddish brown shade that closely resembles the metal of the same name. It is warm, evoking images of autumn, pumpkins, and crackling fires. This shade was first noted in English as the name of a color in 1594. In addition to the metal, this shade is found throughout nature, from lichen on rocks to plants such as some South American orchids to poisonous and dreaded copperhead snakes. There are multiple tones of this color ranging from a reddish-beige hue to a dark mauve-like shade. Effective in graphic design as well as decorating, copper also has gained popularity in fashion circles, showing up often in shoes. A dressed-up brown, this color adds interest to outfits. It combines well with shades of subdued yellow such as mustard yellow, warm peach, and grey. This color adds warmth to black in small amounts. It also pairs strikingly well with shades of blue, especially turquoise and blue green hues, its warmth melding with the cool sincerity of blue for a satisfying effect. Accents in this metallic shade look beautiful in interiors, both residential and business, especially if they feature blues and subdued yellows and oranges. Copper makes a strong statement, and it is versatile. In a rustic room, such as a kitchen, it shines on cooking ware. In cool-toned modern metallic interiors, it adds warmth.


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