
Red Orange

Red orange, also known as blood orange, falls between red and yellow on the color wheel. Unlike its close relation, orange red, it favors red more than yellow. For this reason, it makes a more powerful statement when used in indoor spaces. The bright and exciting red orange color is often associated with physical energy. To most people, the color is engaging, energetic and playful. Many cultures associate the color with health and vitality. Since red orange sits directly across from the hues that rest between green and blue, it is best complemented by blue green, teal and turquoise tones. However, both bluer and greener tones pair well with this reddish one, as do colors with more red and and yellow in them, such as purple and chartreuse. Red orange is one of those colors that can be used to achieve a number of looks. Pair it with soft pinks and neutrals to create a feminine vibe. If you want something a little more masculine, pair the color with black, aquamarine and orange. For a look that is neither feminine nor masculine, but rather, more natural, mix red orange with champagne, coral and olive green. Also because of its versatility, you can use red orange just about anywhere in the home. However, be sparse with it, as red orange is a color that makes a bold statement in splashes.


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