
Pink Peach

Pink peach takes both its warm, rich color and its name from the skin of peaches. Warmer than pink alone, this shade is pleasing, energizing, and inviting. It invokes images of blooms and iridescent hummingbird wings. Perennially popular for weddings, pink peach is often used in bouquets and decorations as well as bridesmaid dresses. It was also an important color for the Art Deco style that was all the rage from 1920 to 1939. Lively, elegant, and playful, this hue epitomizes easy style and a love for life. This color is also popular with interior decorators. It works well with a variety of decorating styles, from modern to traditional. It warms up metallic minimalism, and it pairs beautifully with darker neutrals such as black, brown, navy, and even gray to add satisfying contrast and light-heartedness. Pink peach looks lovely when paired with other shades of pink, as well as cream and white. This hue also combines well with yellow and brown. Pink peach is not just for the ladies. It is an unexpected addition to masculine interiors, including bedrooms. It warms darker colors such as black and dark brown and provides pleasing contrast in male-dominated spaces. Paint an entire wall this color for a bold accent that, when paired with clean lines and rich, dark materials, says “power” rather than “powder room.


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