
Galaxy Blue

Galaxy blue is a dark, fresh color, a pure blue without purple undertones. Clear and clean, this hue is a beautiful navy that always looks and feels right. Due to its saturated crispness, it has long been used in Europe and North America as a vehicle paint color, especially for high-performance cars and show vehicles. However, taking it off the streets and into your home’s interior is a right turn and a good choice. Galaxy blue, being a genuine blue, possesses all the calming, reflective, and honest qualities this color possesses. It is suitable for every room in the house. It is perfect for walls, either as an all-over hue or for a striking, attractive accent wall. It creates a soothing, gentle space that is full of mysterious promise and hope. In bedrooms, showcase this lovely color by complementing it with crisp white and warm cream linens. Gold and champagne metallic accents blend flawlessly and add glamour. White fabrics mixed with walls painted in galaxy blue create a comforting space ideal for sleeping and meditation, like clouds floating across the sky, but in a living room or study room, blend this color with dark green and deep, rich reds such as burgundy and cabernet for a classic, stately, and utterly comfortable feel that speaks of traditional comfort. This agreeable, versatile color is down-to-earth, despite its otherworldly name.


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