

Exuberance is a juicy, true orange that’s as cheerful as it is vibrant. This friendly, welcoming shade is equally adept at giving your kitchen a pop of color and giving your wardrobe a bit of springtime flair. As bright colors have trended throughout the 2010s, orange is expected to ascend the throne for 2019. Bring some exuberance to your home by using this shade for your decor. Try a muted, slightly muddy version for your walls or use exuberance at its full volume to add a pop of hot color to your tried-and-true neutrals. Some color theorists posit that using a touch of orange in your kitchen or dining room can even stimulate the appetite. Unlike most other bright colors, orange isn’t ideal with black because the combination is so evocative of Halloween. Instead, pair this fruity hue with camel or khaki for a look that’s both modern and sophisticated. Orange with crisp white is an unexpected but flattering choice for spring and summer soirees. Orange appears directly across from blue on the color wheel, so bring out the truest tones in both shades by using them together. Exuberance looks especially contemporary when used with peacock blue, cerulean, or indigo. When incorporated in an analogous palette with other warm colors like mustard yellow, terracotta, and rust, this shade creates a warm, cozy aesthetic.


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