

Bittersweet is a subdued, soft orange color, named for berries of the bittersweet plant, also known as woody nightshade. Though included in the range of oranges, this hue is muted and gentle on the eyes and the senses. It has more color than a straight neutral but without trying too hard. Because of its versatility, this tone is prized for interior design. If you are not quite sure about bittersweet, try adding it in smaller doses that do not require a strong commitment. Throw pillows, tablecloths and runners, dinnerware, vases, and area rugs will give you a feel for this hue. If you want to go all in, paint a room this color, or even just one accent wall, for a nature-inspired effect that is colorful without shouting. This color pairs well with soft peach and darker oranges. It looks beautiful with various shades of blue, from sky blue to navy, turquoise to teal. It is a natural pairing with the warmth of cream. It looks good with metallics such as gold, brass, bronze, and champagne. Bittersweet is a popular decorative color because it livens up interior spaces yet is easy to live with. You can quickly and affordably introduce it into many rooms—kitchen, dining room, living area, bedroom—through small additions such as pillows to gauge your feelings about it.


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