
Dusty Rose

Dusty rose, a combination of pink and violet, has a pleasant nostalgic feel. As with all rose shades, it evokes feelings of love and joy. However, it is not a frivolous, boring, or plain color. Indeed, it is classically rich and stylish, especially when paired with shades of green. It is often seen in home décor, and the fashion world has embraced it wholeheartedly. This color has long been popular in fashions. It is a perennial favorite for weddings, with many bridesmaids through the years sporting dresses and accessories of this hue. Dusty rose also has gained popularity as a hair color, with proponents pointing out it is wearable all year round, as it is with clothing and accessories such as scarves. In interior design, dusty rose is a popular shade for accents such as vases, pillows, and lamps. It adds a gentle, old-fashioned touch that is especially popular in living rooms and bedrooms, where it plays a large role in the decorating scheme termed Southwestern style, which blends shades of blue, peach, soft browns, and pinks in particular designs. This shade also pairs well with darker neutrals such as grey, and it adds warmth to black. For a cozy monochromatic effect, pair this hue with its darker cousins, maroon, which has hints of brown, and burgundy, with its hints of purple.


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