
Golden Yellow

Golden yellow is a more playful and softer version of gold, which was named after the precious metal. Golden yellow differs from gold in that it is matte as opposed to metallic. It falls within the orange and yellow color spectrum, with just a hint of magenta. Despite the fact that it is non-metallic, golden yellow is still associated with success, wealth, achievement, and triumph. Golden yellow works well with colors found in nature such as greens, blues, browns, reds, and purples. It also looks great with other vibrant colors such as coral, seafoam, and mint. Pair golden yellow with natural wood tones in any space you want to feel light, airy, and inviting, such as your kitchen or dining room. Compliment the color with light blues and grays in your bedroom or living room to create a space that brings to mind a windy day at the beach. For a more feminine feeling, use a light gray as the base color and golden yellow, pinks, light blues, and crimsons as accent colors. Blue accents in any space with a lot of golden yellow will really pop, as blue is the hue's complimentary color. Golden yellow is a soft, friendly color that looks great with natural hues. It works as both a base color and an accent in just about any space in the home.


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