
Mint Green

Mint green is a pale color that evokes spring and tender new growth. A mixture of yellow and blue with generous helpings of white, this hue is associated with the return of life after a long, cold winter. It is candy, soft bunnies, and young girls in clean dresses. It is soft and agreeable. While this tone recalls fresh growth, it simultaneously has a vintage feel and calls up images of yesteryear. It is popular for wedding fashions as well as for interior decorating. This color is popular for bridesmaids’ dresses and as trim for bouquets and decorative details at post-wedding celebrations. In spring, clothing this hue is popular, from blouses to handbags and shoes. However, this tone really shines when used for interiors. Mint green is pale but warmer than white. To give rooms a feeling of bygone eras, paint this hue on walls. It pairs well with other neutrals, such as beige, as well as white. It looks good with grey and with brighter shades of green such as celadon. Silver accents look beautiful with this color. It is especially at home in bathrooms, kitchens, and dining areas. Mint green is light and tender, like a soft stroke on a beloved’s cheek. This hue signals spring’s arrival and evokes freshness. Its gentle vintage feel is welcoming, whether used in fashion or to decorate homes.


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