
Cafe Au Lait

Café Au Lait is brown lightened with white, interpreting coffee mixed with cream. It was first used as a color name in English in 1839. This color is warm and soothing, combining the earthy sensuousness of brown with the purity and freshness of white. It speaks of roots, stability, and safety, but this particular hue is never boring. Rather, it is slightly unexpected and always pleasant. It is an agreeable neutral with gentle conviviality. Not surprisingly, it is a popular hue for decorating interiors. This color works well on walls, either all over or on an accent wall. It is versatile, and mixes well with many colors, depending upon the effect desired. This hue mixes with orange shades easier than straight brown, but it is still best to keep that pairing to a minimum, if at all. Rather, try contrasting café au lait with blue. Add other warm neutrals such as cream and softly saturated yellows such as chardonnay to create layers of coziness and comfort. Dashes of fuchsia look lovely with this hue, and they add pops of fascinating color. Café au lait also looks good when used for furniture, accents, and accessories. A larger statement piece such as a sofa in this hue can be accented with cream and gold pillows and a soft beige throw. This color is versatile and always friendly.


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